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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How I store/organize my ribbon!

I tried to store my ribbons like this at first, but after I did I noticed I use Ultra size bins and I had no where to store it. Also I needed more bins because I have accumulated so much ribbon. Well I do have five girls! If you have the space or just a small collection of ribbons this is a great idea! Found this idea here!

So I then thought about the rain gutters idea which is awesome for a craft room, which I do not have, YET, but for those who have the wall space , this is really inexpensive and kinda decorative at the same time! Found this idea here!
The back of my bedroom door and wall was available but I still didn't want to...or feel like screwing, leveling the closet maid shelf so I ended up putting on the back of the door. My door usually stays open so kids don't bother it either! Found the unit at Lowe's for 36.00!

All in all, I love this way to store my ribbon! The top bin is extra pieces of ribbon which I need to organize better and the bottom rack I use for scraps of fabric!

Happy Ribbon Organizing!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Olive Oil/Vinegar bottle Dish Soap! Super Cute!

I saw this on Pinterest and asked my sister did she want one. Why did I do that! I should have read the instructions before volunteering to make one! The tutorial was in CHINESE! Thank goodness for the pictures...either way, itwas pretty simple once I took the time to think about it!

Hopefully you will be using a Cameo Silhouette because it lets you enlarge/decrease size of font while it measures the area of it! First I measured the area that I wanted to etch on the bottle then matched the size area before I cut it! I used contact paper as my medium. It was clear contact paper because it was what I had on hand! I would have preferrred and do suggest a opaque white or color, just to see the outline a better.


With Armour Etch, Sorry you can't see the contact paper....


After I washed off the etch cream with water! YAAAAAAY!
But Wait I didnt stop there! I used the leftover cutouts to make myself one, The etching is just reversed to the background!

*Singing* Completed Bottles one for me and my Sister Key! 
Happy Etching!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Flat Rope Twist first crack at it!

So..... I watched a couple of videos on this styling technique and gave it a good try.... Here is a few links to watch if this is something you may want to try!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyS8slhnDaI&feature=youtube_gdata_player


Happy twisting!